Fill out the form to create your unique classroom (or school) account for the Fall 2024 Ready Let's Ready on PAGES book fair. Please Note: The individual who signs up will be the primary contact for information about the Fall book fair and will receive the percentage back after the book fair closes. You are welcome to register your entire school on one account and receive one check back based on orders on the school site. Or, teachers can register individual classrooms and each teacher will receive percentage back based on their classroom orders. Please verify your email through the link you receive. As we get closer to the site open date, you will receive all the materials you need to communicate with parents and students about the PAGES Ready Let's Read online book fair.
School Contact Information (This person will be the main contact for your book fair)
Your School Information for Shipping
Your Store Information
This handle will be used to create a unique URL for your classroom (or school), so pick something memorable that reflects your classroom or school name. Ex: Smith-First-Grade-columbia